Saturday, May 26, 2012

Urban legends

Hi all Today I would like to discuss urban legends. These are stories that have some kind of moral code behind them. They are told from generation to generation. But what I want to know is if anyone out there feels the same way I do about them. I think that some of these stories have a grain or two of truth in them. Especially the ones that are paranormal in nature. For example the Lavender story. This story originated in the state of New York in the 1950's. Before I continue let me first tell you the tale of Lavender.
These two teenage boys were going to a dance at their school one Friday night. They didn't have dates but they wanted to go anyway just to have some fun. Well as they were driving along they came to a bridge and they spotted a young girl just standing by the bridge. She was beautiful so of course they stopped and asked her where she was headed. She replied " I'm going to a dance." They said "hop in we will give ya a lift." They then asked her name. "My name is Lavender" she told them.  After a night of dancing and talking Lavender and one of the two boys hit it off and really started to take a liking to each other. On there way home in the car she began to say that she was cold. So the one boy took of his suit coat and wrapped it around her. They then started to go across the bridge and she told them to let her off there where they had picked her up. They did so and said goodnight. On their way home the one boy forgot his suit coat was wrapped around Lavender. So the next day both boys went back to try and  find her and the coat. They found a few houses in a row near the bridge. They knocked on every door and no one knew who she was. They went to the last house and this old woman answered. They asked if she knew Lavender. To their surprise she said yes and invited them in. Right there on the mantle was a picture of Lavender. They asked the woman if that was her granddaughter. She said no she's my daughter. Puzzled they asked where she was and the woman told them that 20 years ago she was waiting on the bridge to go to a dance and a truck driving at top speed hit and killed her. The boys told the woman about what happened last night and how she was with them. She then told them that if they wanted to see her to go to the cemetery. They got into the car and went. Although it didn't take them long to find her tombstone cause on top was the jacket.
Well folks is that purely fiction or is there some fact involved? You decide?
I will be back next week with a whole new topic. If you like what I have been doing so far please subscribe. Have a great week and good memorial day.

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