Saturday, May 26, 2012

Urban legends

Hi all Today I would like to discuss urban legends. These are stories that have some kind of moral code behind them. They are told from generation to generation. But what I want to know is if anyone out there feels the same way I do about them. I think that some of these stories have a grain or two of truth in them. Especially the ones that are paranormal in nature. For example the Lavender story. This story originated in the state of New York in the 1950's. Before I continue let me first tell you the tale of Lavender.
These two teenage boys were going to a dance at their school one Friday night. They didn't have dates but they wanted to go anyway just to have some fun. Well as they were driving along they came to a bridge and they spotted a young girl just standing by the bridge. She was beautiful so of course they stopped and asked her where she was headed. She replied " I'm going to a dance." They said "hop in we will give ya a lift." They then asked her name. "My name is Lavender" she told them.  After a night of dancing and talking Lavender and one of the two boys hit it off and really started to take a liking to each other. On there way home in the car she began to say that she was cold. So the one boy took of his suit coat and wrapped it around her. They then started to go across the bridge and she told them to let her off there where they had picked her up. They did so and said goodnight. On their way home the one boy forgot his suit coat was wrapped around Lavender. So the next day both boys went back to try and  find her and the coat. They found a few houses in a row near the bridge. They knocked on every door and no one knew who she was. They went to the last house and this old woman answered. They asked if she knew Lavender. To their surprise she said yes and invited them in. Right there on the mantle was a picture of Lavender. They asked the woman if that was her granddaughter. She said no she's my daughter. Puzzled they asked where she was and the woman told them that 20 years ago she was waiting on the bridge to go to a dance and a truck driving at top speed hit and killed her. The boys told the woman about what happened last night and how she was with them. She then told them that if they wanted to see her to go to the cemetery. They got into the car and went. Although it didn't take them long to find her tombstone cause on top was the jacket.
Well folks is that purely fiction or is there some fact involved? You decide?
I will be back next week with a whole new topic. If you like what I have been doing so far please subscribe. Have a great week and good memorial day.

Friday, May 18, 2012

what is a past life regression?

Hi to all of my readers. Today I would like to talk about what it means to have a past life regression. A past life regression is when you go under hypnosis and travel back in time to visit your past lives. This can be quite beneficial to a lot of people. It can help you in so many ways. For instance you can see your spiritual journey and also you can fix the problems that you may have carried over into this life. If you don't know what I mean by this look at the previous blog about cell memory.
It is important to remember that when going through your previous incarnations always try to see it as if you were watching a movie. Don't try to relive any of it. It may be too painful for your spirit. Especially your death in a previous life. You already went through it once don't do it again. If you think you may have cell memory problems always go to the point of entry. This will expose the thorn that you may have carried over.
If you want or need to have a past life regression find a good hypnotist that is a past life regression facilitator. Don't go to the hypnotists that help you loose weight or quit smoking.
Next week I will be discussing urban legends. Thanks for reading and have a great week.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cell memory

Hey everyone I'm back from a much needed vacation. Today's topic is all about cell memory. For those of you wondering what heck cell memory is. Our bodies are made up of millions of cells and sometimes those cells can carry information about our past lives that we are not aware of or don't understand. For example some phobias can be cured by fixing cell memory problems. Especially phobias that seem to start out of the blue. For instance lets say that you have been perfectly fine driving your car across bridges. Then you reach the age of 42 and you get an unexplainable fear of driving over bridges. That is cell memory and the only way to remove those thorns is to undergo a past life regression session. Let me take you back to the bridge scenario and you find out that in a past life when you were in your early forty's you went over a bridge and drowned. Something must have happened in a past life that you in this life just can't get over.
There is a true story that illustrates what I'm saying beautifully. There was a guy named Henry in his early thirties who had chronic neck pain. He and his wife went to doctor after doctor and the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him. He went to a psychic to discuss a possible career change and she knew that there was something else bothering him. She asked him if she could put him under hypnosis and let him go through some of his past lives. While he was under hypnosis he recalled his life in France in the late 1500's. That life ended when he was executed at the queteen at 32 yrs old.
Think about it and it makes sense. Anyway Henry and the psychic successfully removed the thorn. A few days after his session his neck pain went away completely. If think you are having cell memory problems please consult a medical doctor before you have a past life regression.
Next week I will be blogging about past life regressions.
I would also like to thank my friend Erica Snyder for allowing me to be a guest author on her blog. You guys can check it out at I did an article on werewolves entitled werewolves: not according to the gospel of twilight.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why Reincarnate?

Hi all and welcome to another weeks blog. This week I would like to talk a little bit about reincarnation. Some people and some spiritual paths have a strong belief in life after death. For those of you who really don't understand the concept I will explain it the best way I can.
We all know that we are born and then we die. The question is what happens after we die. That's where reincarnation comes in to play. After death we go to the other side. We live there for awhile in perfect peace and joy. Believe it or not one of our hobbies on the other side is studying. When we incarnate or come into life again we are coming for the experience. So we can study a topic like negativity All we want but we have to have a hands on kind of lesson. It's a lot like learning to drive a car. We can read the drivers ed book all we want but we need to get our license. We can't do that without actually getting behind the wheel.
We are here on earth to learn and reincarnation is experiencing for the soul. Believe it or not we design our whole live while we are on the other side. We pick our parents, friends, coworkers, and potential enemies or people that we should avoid.
Its funny that since we are so happy on the other side we have a tendency for choosing a lot of crazy stuff. Did something really crazy happen in your life and you think why me? Well you chose the situation to experience. Ask your selves this question what have you learned when all things went perfectly? I hate to say it but when bad things happen to us it does teach us lessons.
There is a saying that I heard a while back and I want to share it with you now.
"We are like a piece of wood and a piece of sandpaper is life sure the sandpaper scratches us but in the long run it makes our soul smooth".
next week I will be on vacation but I will be back the following week to blog again. The next blog will be about cell memory. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What is cryptozoology?

Hello to all of my readers. I wanted to talk today about the strange and unusual field of cryptozoology. Let's start out by what the definition is.

Cyptozoology is the study of hidden animals. In terms it refers to the search of animals whose existence has not yet been proven. It also involves looking for living examples of animals that are by science considered to be extinct. A good example of this would be the dinosaurs. It also touches base on animals whose existence lacks physical evidence but do appear in myths and legends. Classic examples of this is the lochness monster and the Jersey devil.

Of course cryptozoology is not considered a recognized branch of zoology or any other area of science. This is for the fact because it relies heavily on stories and alleged sightings.

Cryptozoology has found some species now acknowledged by the scientific community. These species were at one time considered as hoaxes or superstition. Examples of this is in the finding of the Hoan Kiem turtle, mountain gorilla and the giant squid.

I will do another blog on cryptozoology in the future when I attain more information on the topic.

My good friend Erica Snyder asked me to do a guest writer spot on her blog. I consider it to be an honor and privilege. She is an amazing writer so check out her blog at:

Next week I will be talking about reincarnation. Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ghost Hunting Equipment Checklist

Hello to all of my readers. This week I would like to touch on the topic of the equipment that you will need in order to pursue a successful ghost hunt.  I will list some of the equipment as well as what it exactly does when your in the Field. While some of it can be expensive, some is also your basic stuff which isn't that expensive.

Flashlight- This is one of the most important things that you will need. This is a necessity when you are going to be working at night. It's just an important tool when you are trying to get around in the dark. It can also be useful in another way. For example there is a YouTube video that was filmed at the Tillie Peirce House in Gettysburg, PA. The investigator asked the entity to turn the light off and on and it did. That leads me to the next item on our list.
Video Recorder- This tool is helpful in getting visual evidence. They also have DVD recorders that came out not too long ago. If you get any type of visual recorder make sure it has a night vision setting.
White tape- This is good to have when you need to mark a area that is potentially active.
Tape Recorder- This tool is so important to have in your kit. This will pickup ghost or spirit voices.  These are known as EVP's Which stands for electronic voice phenomena. They now even have recorders that you don't have to get audio tape for. These are much better for the simple fact that you can upload the file into your computer and can eliminate some of the white noise so it will be clear.
Infrared Digital Thermometer- This simple tool can detect cold spots as well as temperature changes in the room.
Electro Magnetic Field Reader- These are to detect if there is electro magnetic fields in the area. Please be aware  that when using this piece of equipment stay away from plugs and light switches. It will give a false reading. If you are not near these things and it peaks up and the sensor light goes on that means that you have some sort of activity going on. Also please keep the volume setting down to where you can't hear it. You don't want to be in the middle of working and hear beep beep beep that is very distracting to the ghosts and other members of the team.
Investigation log- Just get a standerd notebook and keep all things written down. For instance if your EMF meter goes off in a certain spot. Jot down where it happened and what time it happened. Anything that is evidence write it down.
Wrist watch- So you have the correct time of an event.
First aide kit- It is good to have one on hand in case you or another part of your team gets hurt.
Batteries- Always have a ton of extra batteries on hand. Spirits and ghost are made up of energy so they will get any kind of extra energy that they can and if it means draining your batteries that are in some of your machines they will do so.
Thank you all for spending time reading my blog. I'm glad that you enjoy it. I was recently asked by a good friend of mine to do a guest writers spot on her blog.She wants me to do a piece on werewolves. I will have the link to her blog here on my blog when it is finished. But next week in the spirit of werewolves I will be writing all about the field of Cryptozoology. It should be fascinating for me as well as you guys. In closing have a great week everyone.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ten do's and dont's of ghost hunting

Hello everyone, I hope you all are ready for another lesson about the paranormal. Today I would like to list ten do's and dont's of ghost hunting. These are just some simple tips that can help you on your ghostly journey.

  • Always bring extra batteries. Ghosts and spirits need energy to materialize. Often they'll get that energy from the batteries in your camera or other equipment. If your camera batteries suddenly die be aware of possible temperature changes in the room.
  • Before you take  pictures, clean your camera lens. If your lens is dirty it could show false ghost activity.
  • Bring snacks, It is good to have something on hand if you will be conducting a long investigation.
  • Bring a buddy, Never investigate alone. If you get in trouble or get injured it's good to have someone with you.
  • Make sure you interview any potential witnesses.So you know what your looking for at a location.
  • Don't smoke during an investigation. It can cause abnormalities in photos.
  • Don't drink before or during an investigation. It can cloud your judgement and you nee to be clear headed.
  • Don't be disrespectful at a location. You have to be respectful to the property owners and the spirits that you come in contact with.
  • Don't ever trespass on personal property. Always get permission before doing an investigation.
  • Don't Leave the investigation area dirty. Be sure to gather up all of your belongings and throw out all trash that you have accumulated.

Next week I will be talking about the diffrent types of equipment that is used out in the feild. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is a Tulpa?

Hello to all of my readers. This week we will be talking about tulpa's. Tulpa's are a very fascinating subject because tulpa's are actual beings that originate in the mind and through beliefs and visualization can become actual realities. It's like when a group of people get together and start creating legends. For instance lets say that somebody believes in the yeti or lochness monster. I'm not saying that they won't come into reality but they are created by intense thought. Probably one of the most famous was Alexandra David Neil. She was a PhD and a scholar and she had traveled through out all of Asia. She decided that she was going to concentrate on making a little friar monk. It took her years. She made him round and he looked like a little Franciscan monk. And sure enough people began to see him. Well the problem is that he began to show evil tendencies. Now you say was she evil. No she wasn't evil but there are all kinds of strange things in our subconscious. It then took her years to get rid of him and in doing that she had a heart attack.
Sometimes a supposed haunting can actually be a tulpa's. Lets say that the people that move into my house after I move out say "Gee that place was haunted". Then somebody else comes along and says the place was haunted. Then somebody else comes in and says the house is haunted by the spirit of Heather. Then it becomes an urban legend. The first thing is that they created a manifestation of me. It is not me cause I would be over on the other side, hopefully having a great time.
Another story that is so fascinating was in England and there was a group of people that met every Wednesday night and they actually started saying that they were going to create what they called an imaginary man. they gave him a name, let's call him George Smith. They gave him a birth date, a family, an occupation. They gave him looks and even had him walk with a cane. Pretty soon after about 5-10 years they began to hear rapping's. Now this was a tulpa that was created.
When you hear about certain things in nature like unicorns and fairies and other things like that was  thought about it becomes a tulpa. We don't have unicorns and fairies and other crazy stuff running around on this level. It is nothing more than thoughts and images. We have some people who have faries and gnomes dancing around them. they don't come up on this level but is is amazing to note that these energy forces can become a reality. Let's take the Lockness Monster for instance. They have sounded that lock for years. They put up all kinds of cameras and they haven't found anything. Maybe someday Nessie will show up. Only because so many people believe in it. Remember you don't realize just how much you can create with the power of the mind.
If we can create something like that whats to say we can't create blessings in our own life. A beautiful tulpa of happiness, joy or an energy tulpa of health. A tulpa can be anything the mind creates. So instead of walking around with all this goofy stuff like unicorns and angels running around talking to ya. Why don't we start putting our energy into the reality of today's world. Sure we have angels, guides, and deceased loved ones looking out for us and protecting us. We can get too nuts with all this other stuff. Pretty soon we will all start wearing pyramid hats and getting really silly. We need to create tulpas to help ourselves. We don't need some snake looking thing or a horse with a horn on its head. What is that going to do for you except stick a hole in your wall. Make a tulpa to make your life better and create goodness around us.
If you have any questions about anything in the world of the paranormal please email me at
Next week I will be talking about the do's and don't's when going on a ghost hunt. Have a great week everybody.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to spiritualy prepare for a ghost hunt.

Hello everyone,
Today I would like to answer my friends question how to protect yourself during a ghost hunt. I would like to say that there are some very real dangers that can go on during and even after a ghost hunt. You have to be prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually. Ghosts can sense fear and sometimes they like it especially if they want you out of a certain location. They can also become attached to you and follow you home. You don't want to come back from a ghost hunt and go to bed just to wake up and find one standing at your bedside.
You can protect yourself by saying a prayer before you even set foot on the property. I have found this method very helpful. Remember we are going into a world that we know very little about. It is also a wise to eat something before you go on an investigation. Ghosts do indeed feed on our energy. This will keep your energy up and you won't feel drained.
There are two main areas of concern that we are faced with and those are ghost attachments and ghost attacks. Ghost can attack us if they feel threatened. They can push, slap or trip people. hey can also make us physically ill. It happened to me in Gettysburg, PA. Me and some members of my team were in a small forest clearing across the street from our bed and breakfast. It was 11:30 p.m. and we wanted to do some investigating. We were over there taking photos and trying to get readings with out equipment. After awhile of not getting anything we decided to pack it up and try again the next night. As I was winding up the cord to my EMF meter I got a sharp pain in my stomach. It was so bad I almost fell over. I looked up and saw a shadow figure. It was very tall  and it slowly came closer and closer. The other team members didn't see it but one of them took a picture right where I was pointing. I grabbed all of our stuff and got out as fast as I could. Once I got out of there the pain went away just as fast as it came. I must note here that the team member that took the picture put her memory card in her computer at home and she found the photo that she took. In the picture there was a huge orb with a man's face in it. I would have put the picture on here but it disappeared.
I would like to talk about the second and most dangerous and those are ghost attachments. Ghost attachments are worse for the simple fact that they can last longer. Ghosts can become attached to us because they feed off of  our life energy. There are some effects of this type of attack that we need to be aware of. They are as follows: hearing voices, seeing the ghost, unexplained depression, illness with an unknown cause, loss of energy, migraine headaches, or nightmare and insomnia. These symptoms may also be explained by ordinary medical science. f you have these symptoms see a doctor before you blame it on ghost attachment. if they continue and have no medical explanation then you have a ghost attachment.
The way that you can protect yourself from a ghost attachment is simple. Whenever you are getting ready to leave a haunted location thank the ghosts for their presence and say to them please don't follow me home. It is simple but it works.
Thank you all for reading. I hope it was informative and helpful. Next week I will be writing about Tulpas. If you really like the blog please subscribe and if you have any questions about anything let me know on here or if you want You can email your questions at:  See you next week. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The different types of hauntings.

Hello everyone. I just wanted to take a second and thank all of you for reading and continued support. Are you ready for another glimpse into the world of the paranormal?
Today I would like to examine the different types of hauntings that you can encounter. I have listed them in no particular order along with a definition of each type.
  1. Residual haunting - A residual haunting happens when something traumatic or stressful occurs. The negative energy is blasted into the atmosphere. This causes the atmosphere to imprint or record the particular event. The way this haunting is experienced is almost like a tape that will play the events over and over again. The living cannot interact with this type of a haunting. Its almost like a memory trapped in time. Also I would like to note that it doesn't always have to be a negative memory. Sometimes good memories are recorded into the atmosphere. We have all heard a ghost story or two that involve the living hearing mysterious sounds of a party going on. Sounds of laughter and merriment are heard in the house even if you are alone.
  2. Poltergeist activity - Poltergeist activity is usually caused by an adolescent teenager more commonly girls. This happens when they go through the puberty stages. During this stage of adolescents a young girl can have an extreme amount of bottled up energy. This energy can be projected by the mind, which can cause tapping sounds, movement of objects, lights flickering off and on, and some other strange occurrences. 90% of poltergeist activity stems from a human being.
  3. Demonic hauntings -  These types of hauntings can happen in different ways. Sometimes it can be seen as a black mist or black fog. People who experience this type of haunting claim to be followed by this black fog or mist. There is another type of demonic haunting that is also common and that is an incubus ( male demon) or succubus ( female demon). These demons have forced sexual encounters with the living. People who have experienced this feel a large amount of weight on top of them as they are just waking up. These cases are very rare but if anyone needs protection from this kind of attack contact your clergymen or a skilled demonoligist. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT UPON YOUSELF TO GET RID OF IT. If you do this you can make things worse for yourself and those around you.
  4. Intelligent hauntings -  Intelligent hauntings are when the ghost or spirit can interact with you. They can touch you, talk to you, and even send smells to you. For example when I stayed in Lizzie Bordens house we had a medium driven seance. During the experience the medium asked Abby Borden to send us a whiff of her lavender perfume and within a few seconds we all smelled it.
  5. Shadow people activity - Shadow people are to me kind of in their own group. There origins are unknown even to the parapsycoligical community. The shadow person is seen using our parifferal vision. They have no facial features and wear no clothes. They can do things that a lot of ghosts can't do for example walk through walls. Clarovoyants that see shadow people don't consider them human and can fil you with dread.
Well my friends that ends the topic for this week. I recently had been asked a question by a very good friend of mine. She wants to know how to protect yourself when you go to a haunted location or are just faced with a dark enity. Next Friday I well answer that question for her and all of you out there in bloggerland.
Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What is a ghost?

Hi everyone out there in blogger land. I would like to answer one of the questions that people often ask me. That question is: What is a ghost? A ghost is created when a person dies and and they reject the idea of making the transition to the other side. This can happen for a few reasons. One is simply that they reject the tunnel and turn away out of love for land, home or anything else that they have invested time in. They might have a lot of unfinished business here on earth. They can also remain earth bound because of the way that they died. If it was very tramatic or if they died quickly. For example the ghosts of Gettysburg, PA. The ghosts of the men who died during that battle still think that the war is still going on and they continue to fight. Another reason they remain earthbound is of a common delusion that all ghost share. They have no idea that they're dead.
Just imagine this scenario. You get up one morning and a family of strangers walks right into your home and start unpacking their things. You start yelling and demand to know what they are doing there and threaten to call the cops if they don't leave immediately. My view point is that they deserve more love and compassion than fear. A good tip is when you go to a haunted location and you do an E.V.P. ( Electrictronic voice phenomenon) session do not ask the ghost questions like did you die here. This could give them quite a shock and they probably will either get defensive or not even talk to you. Be careful what you say to them because you could be in their shoes one day.
I want to explain the difference between a ghost and a spirit. You now know that a ghost is classified as an earthbound entity. Spirits are a little bit different  A spirit is someone who made the transition to the other side. Spirits also have no signs of any injuries on them. When they appear they look healthy and happy. While ghosts on the other hand will have visible injuries that resulted in their death.
Thank you very much for reading. Next week I will explain the different types of hauntings.
Have a great week everyone.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Who am I?

First off I would like to introduce myself to all of you readers out there. My name is Heather and I am going to college to become a parapsychologist. I just received my associates degree in parapsychology. I am also the founder and lead investigator of Three Rivers Investagations of the paranormal also known as T.R.I.P.
We are a Pittsburgh based paranormal investigation team. We have investigated in a few places. One of our biggest adventures is that we have investigated Lizzie Bordens house in Fall River, Mass. Lizzie Bordens house should be visited if you are into the paranormal. It is loaded with activity. Another great place to go and visit if you want to be in a active red zone is Gettysburg, PA.
If you have any paranormal questions please feel free to ask me?
I will post a new blog each week about a topic within the realm the paranormal.