Thursday, April 19, 2012

What is cryptozoology?

Hello to all of my readers. I wanted to talk today about the strange and unusual field of cryptozoology. Let's start out by what the definition is.

Cyptozoology is the study of hidden animals. In terms it refers to the search of animals whose existence has not yet been proven. It also involves looking for living examples of animals that are by science considered to be extinct. A good example of this would be the dinosaurs. It also touches base on animals whose existence lacks physical evidence but do appear in myths and legends. Classic examples of this is the lochness monster and the Jersey devil.

Of course cryptozoology is not considered a recognized branch of zoology or any other area of science. This is for the fact because it relies heavily on stories and alleged sightings.

Cryptozoology has found some species now acknowledged by the scientific community. These species were at one time considered as hoaxes or superstition. Examples of this is in the finding of the Hoan Kiem turtle, mountain gorilla and the giant squid.

I will do another blog on cryptozoology in the future when I attain more information on the topic.

My good friend Erica Snyder asked me to do a guest writer spot on her blog. I consider it to be an honor and privilege. She is an amazing writer so check out her blog at:

Next week I will be talking about reincarnation. Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff! I'm looking forward to your feature article. And the reincarnation article next week.
